Apex Cinema Gear is proud to offer Robert Luna Steadicam Parts!

Robert Luna started his career at Cinema Products, specializing in manufacturing and development of new Steadicam components. He created the Luna Arm, which is based off the 3a chassis and has also developed numerous other Steadicam accessories throughout the years. All of his products are made out of the highest quality components and are designed and manufactured in Los Angeles, CA.

Robert also modifies and repairs all Steadicam models and offers other services as well, such as: gimbal cleaning and repairs, top stage repairs, and arm overhauls.

Contact Robert directly for Steadicam repairs and service!

Phone: (310) 621-4763

Email: rlunasteadicam@gmail.com

Please do not contact Robert for Apex product sales or support. Email info@apexcinemagear.com for all other inquiries.

Luna Steadicam Parts